Monday, January 26, 2009

At least my dog still loves me...

So, today I got on my treadmill and walked 1 mile. To anyone who is not struggling with weight and being in shape, this is probably not a big deal, but to me, it is. Let me introduce myself, I will go by Fluffy. I am a 33-year-old mother of 3 and a stepson who lives in the middle of nowhere Missouri and has been inspired by Dietgirl at not to lose my weight (I started that journey already) but to be accountable to the millions (ha ha) of people out there who may come across this blog.

I am a medical transcriptionist. I work from my home (such as it is) and take care of the kids and the house. I rarely get out except to grocery shop or go see my parents, and that is where the trouble really lies. I always go shopping when I am hungry, and my parents, well, let's just say they aren't the best examples in the world. I got my eating habits from them and my sweet tooth as well.

I don't really know what to say, except that I am the largest person in my household and I am sick of it. My husband, bless him, does not know my weight, and does not ask. My children continue to tell me I am not fat, but my son gets asked at least once a year if his mom is pregnant. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I will not post my weight today, as I have not weighed, but what I will do is list some goals:

1. Weigh myself ONLY once a week and post it here for all to see.
2. Get on treadmill four times a week and lift weights at least three times a week.
3. Get OUT THERE and do something. I am a consultant for a line of food that is really yummy and not so bad for you, but I am such an introvert (although my friends would not agree) that it is hard for me to go out there and sell myself. I always say I am just too fat.
4. Lose 25 pounds by the end of this year. That is 2 pounds a month, give or take, and I hope to lose a lot more, but for now, this is the beginning.
5. Post here at least once a day, even if it is just a sentence.

So, for anyone out there with words of wisdom, encouragement or whatever, I am listening :D

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