Friday, January 30, 2009

So 4 days in and I screw it up!

So today was my day off work. I didn't use the treadmill or weights on Wednesday, so I was going to do it today, but I got lazy. I would love to say I got too busy, but that is just not the truth. I had a lot of errands to do today and I am out of town right now, but I did have time in there to at least get on the treadmill, its only 20 minutes! But I got involved in my baby shows and just didn't do it. However, I did meet my goal of 3 days a week on the weights, so at least I have something, right?

So tomorrow it is back on the wagon! My mom has a Wii Fit and I am going to try that on for size at least while I am here. I guess if I do it for 30 minutes that might make up for the treadmill.

It has been tough trying to get into this in between my jobs, my kids, and my husband, but that is why my goal is only 25 pounds. I figure at that rate I will be done in a little more than 3 years, but it will probably take longer as somewhere along the line I want to have my tubes untied and have another baby. That is tenatively in the future, but no guarantees yet.

More tomorrow!


  1. I had my tubed untied and had my son 2 years ago. Feel free to ask me any questions about it!

    Weight loss can be so difficult when balancing work and family. I'm also trying and it's tough. Keep at it though. Let me know how that Wii Fit works out. We have a Wii and I've been thinking about getting that.

  2. Keep the faith girl! I am sometimes to poster child for falling off the wagon and getting back on it again. But for right now, I'm doing pretty well and hoping to see the pounds come flying off soon.

  3. Let me know about the Wii Fit, too. I also have a Wii and am looking to find someone who is going to tell me "Oh MY WORD! It is the greatest thing...pounds are just melting off me!" Ok, maybe not THAT drastic..but at least making it worth the money to get it. LOL

